Who are we?
The Pan American Taekwondo Union (PATU) is a non-profit organization and continental association, and in conformity, with the principles of World Taekwondo (WT). Forty-five Member National Associations integrate us as one of the five Continental Unions recognized by WT globally.
As an organization established by the Members of WT, we promote the interests of World Taekwondo within the continent to enhance and develop the sport and martial art in the Pan American region. By coordinating international promoted events and advising members in all aspects of Taekwondo as a sport, business, and martial art.

Vice President Elevated
Vice President of North America
Vice President of the Caribbean
Council Member for North America
Council Member for Caribbean
Council Member Athlete’s Committee
General Secretary
Vice President Appointed
Vice President of Central America
Vice President of South America
Council Member for Central America
Council Member for South America
Council Member Athlete’s Committee

PATU 21-25 Structure
Athletes' Committee
Coaches Committee
Development Committee
Education Committee
Finance Committee
Games Committee
High-Performance Committee
Integrity and Ethics Committee
Juridical Committee
Marketing Committee
Medical Committee
Member Relations and Development (MRD) Committee
Para Taekwondo Committee
Poomsae Committee
Referee Committee
Strategic Planning and Advisory Committee
Taekwondo for all Committee
Technical Committee